Japanese online skype
Japanese online skype

The L1SP condition led to more planned and rehearsed ideas used in performances than the L2SP condition, which likely meant learners spent more time refining and formulating language to express L1-generated ideas, leading to more creative solutions to the task problem. However, performances that followed L1SP and rehearsal contained ideas that were significantly more novel/rare than performances that followed L2SP and rehearsal. Findings revealed a non-significant difference between the number of ideas used in each planning condition. As a measure of problem-solving creativity, ideas used in task performances were coded in terms of their novelty. Task performances were analysed in terms of idea units generated and, by examining strategic planning transcripts and planning worksheets, were coded for how they were prepared. The first condition involved collaborative strategic planning in the second language (L2SP), which was followed by a task rehearsal the second condition involved collaborative strategic planning in the first language (L1SP), which was followed by a task rehearsal. Forty Japanese university students of English as a foreign language (EFL) from two intact online classrooms were separated into pairs and performed second language (L2) problem-solution monologue tasks in two conditions. This study examined the impact of collaborative pre-task strategic planning followed by rehearsal on the quantity and novelty of content used in task performances when strategic planning is performed in different language conditions in an online classroom.

japanese online skype

The observation shows that Skype is often disconnected in the middle of learning process. Since one of the most crucial factors of online learning is internet, Zoom is more recommended compare to Skype.

japanese online skype

The advantage of the online media learning webinar, such as Skype and Zoom, is its capability to make the participants are able to interact written and orally and to share presentation screen through sharing display feature. The result of the analysis indicates that online learning medium can be effectively done for grammar and conversation learning. The descriptive analysis will be done to describe the result of the pre-test, post-test, and respond from the participant.

japanese online skype

The data are in the form of pre-test, post-test, and respond from the participants. The source of the data for the research is the observational data from 5 participants who are basic Japanese learners. The method applied in this is descriptive qualitative research. The range of age of the participants of the research is from twenty to thirty years old. The objective of this research is to observe the advantages and disadvantages of Basic Japanese online learning through Skype and Zoom application.

Japanese online skype